About Us

Vivo Investments

Business Model

Vivo Investments employs a meticulous and strategic approach in property acquisition, hand-selecting properties that align with our specific acquisition criteria. Our unique emphasis lies in the transformation of hotels into multifamily spaces through an adaptive reuse strategy. This involves a careful evaluation of potential properties to ensure they not only meet our investment objectives but also possess the potential for successful conversion. The adaptive reuse approach allows us to repurpose existing structures, maximizing the use of space and resources while contributing to sustainable development. By selecting properties that align with our vision and leveraging adaptive reuse, Vivo Investments aims to create thriving multifamily communities that enhance both the economic and social fabric of the neighborhoods in which they are situated.

Acquisition Criteria

A word from Dan Norville, Founder and CEO

We create quality housing solutions where everyone wins.

Vivo offers creative solutions for housing through adaptive reuse and community-building models. Our sustainable redevelopment practices help meet the needs of people, neighborhoods, and cities by making quality housing more attainable. Our resilient communities serve the neighborhoods they are a part of, while our resourceful approach turns low-demand, low-performing spaces into added value for investors. It’s a win for everyone involved. 

Vivo’s Mission